Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Welcome to Calvert!

Welcome to Calvert! As a first year at Trinity I am constantly asked where I live. When my response is Calvert, the first thing I hear is “Oh, I’m sorry.” Cosmogirl may have rated Trinity’s dorms as the nicest in the nation but they obviously did not visit Calvert. While Trinity constantly brags about their balconies and walk in closets, we have neither. Instead we have “extended windowsills” and rickety sliding doors. Although it may sound like I hate my dorm, in all reality I love it. While we could sit and complain about our horrible living situation and watch the cockroaches scurry across our floors, we choose to spend the majority of our time thinking of new and unique ways to entertain ourselves.

In Calvert, just being in your dorm room can be entertainment enough. Our sliding closet doors that constantly fall off have served as great water pong tables and slides for our bunk beds (Let’s just hope Physical Plant isn’t reading this). The paper-thin walls between suites allow us to easily listen in on conversations and learn more than we ever wanted to know about our neighbors. Here on the second floor, evenings can sound like musicals because someone will blast a song on their stereo, the next room will start humming along, and then the next person will start singing it in the shower.

One of the most important characteristics of Calvert is the loyalty to our RM groups and rivalries between floors. The first floor is known for their constant social circles. Not that I am biased, but Calvert Second is clearly the classiest. Third floor is mostly made up of pranksters, as they are usually the ones responsible for the midnight rants, and the ones that will pour water on the people studying on the walkways below. This blog will serve to describe the drama between floors and the other mysteries of Calvert, the best and worst dorm at Trinity.

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