Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Final Goodbye

One night, some of the residents of Calvert first and second decided to take a spontaneous study break at 1 a.m. We loaded up in a couple of cars to drive to a remote spot to witness the upcoming meteor shower. Our remote spot ended up turning into a Wal-Mart parking lot and we camped out for a couple of hours to watch the sky. Despite the freezing weather, it was an exciting experience and we saw a couple of meteors. Afterwards, we headed to IHOP for breakfast before returning to campus at 3:30. We all had a great time with the exception of those of us that had 8:30 class that morning.

In other news, this Sunday, the Residential Mentors of Calvert are holding a mixer for all Calvert residents. This is an opportunity to get to know everyone in our dorm “s’more” as we roast marshmallows and make delicious snacks. The slogan for the event is “S’mores not Wars” in order to resolve our differences and stop the civil war between second and third floor.

As you may know, this is the final blog for “Life in Calvert.” From day one, it’s been pretty obvious that Calvert is the place to be for a first year at Trinity. From going on outings with the hall to running around campus naked, we take pride in the dorm we now call home.

This summer, Calvert is going to be renovated. This means that the upcoming first years will know Calvert as one of the nicest dorms on campus. However, us Calveratians of the class of 2013 will know better and will carry the memories from Calvert in our hearts forever, or at least until sophomore year.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Calvert Ghosts

On October 31st, 2009 around 9 p.m. the residents of Calvert continued the Trinity tradition by participating in Calvert ghosts. The tradition has been going on for years and we felt like we were a part of something big. The history of Calvert ghosts began on Halloween night when the third floor boys covered themselves in flour and ran around campus naked. Ever since this epic event, Calvert is constantly identified with the legendary third floor boys. As soon as people discover you are a resident of Calvert, the first question is “Are you going to do Calvert ghosts?'

Times have changed since the original Calvert ghosts. It is now a co-ed event and one of the girls on Calvert first is the one who got everyone organized. We received post- its on our doors informing us to meet on Calvert first at nine for our run. Another person even sacrificed their bathroom so everyone would be able to get covered in flour. We had a system down, as we would take turns jumping in the shower and then getting flour thrown all over us. When nine o’ clock came rolling around people started lining up on their balconies to watch. We ran throughout the freshmen quad screaming and banging on people’s doors. Some cheered us on and gave high fives while others covered their eyes in shock. We even ran through Coates before finally returning back to Calvert! Those who participated in Calvert ghosts all had a lot of fun and were happy to carry on the tradition.